No sooner had I blathered on about how the good and consistent and generally amazing the surf has been and whad’ya know. The SW’s rear up and blow the beach back to its normal winter time chaos.
And, yes, I’m back to referring to it as winter again. The beginning of summer is being heralded by rain, mizzle and a host of other words that describe dampness.
Footie has been cancelled for the last two weeks – a consequence of getting knocked out of all the cup competitions in the first round – and it looks like this week the pitch will be waterlogged. Still, at least I can catch up with some work.
Flats are finally finished (well, all but one) so it’s time to concentrate on the surfing again. This summers stock is due to arrive this week and there are a hell of a lot of wetties and clothing that need unpacking, pricing up and putting on the shelves.
The new website is due to go online in the next week or so as well. It looks like an absolute beauty in the design stage, hopefully it will work as good as it looks. Fingers crossed.
Busy, busy, busy.